Your teeth are the most essential gems that reflect your appearance. Just imagine your life without them, it will probably sound like a nightmare! You need to pamper your teeth a lot because they are very prone to cavities and decay when left uncared for long. But how long does it take for a cavity to form?
It is a very challenging question and has got multiple answers enough to lead you to go astray. This article will reveal some of the common causes of tooth decay and will also respond to the query stating that how long does it take for a cavity to get worse?
Common Causes Of cavities In Children:
Absence Of Brushing
Some mothers think that brushing is only meant for adults and their kids don’t need it unless and until they attain their permanent teeth. Following this myth is the prime cause of cavities in children which later progresses excessively. Kids as small as 2 years are recommended to start brushing within parental supervision. A pea-sized toothpaste can be applied on their toothbrush before brushing and they are good to go!
Leaving A Feeding Bottle For Overnight
A couple of children are habitual of keeping a feeding bottle in their mouth for the whole night. Milk consists of added sugar that can make teeth very attractive for bacteria to feed on their surface. Hence the chances of the cavitation are raised to a higher extent.
Unnecessary Junk Munching
Let’s not just blame kids for that, even adults cannot stop munching. The extra added sugars in confectionaries facilitate bacteria to resistant to the tooth surfaces. As a result, leading to tooth decay and cavities.
Common Causes Of A Cavity In Adults
Negligence Towards Oral Hygiene
Dental studies and researches have inferred that around 80% of tooth decay in adults is in response to maintaining proper oral hygiene. It is surprising to say that some adults are not even familiar with the use of mouthwashes and brushing techniques. Bacteria tend to be most active during the night and not brushing teeth before bed is a stroke of wonderful luck to them.
Systemic Diseases
There are certain diseases that make a patient vulnerable to cavities. This is because some systemic conditions can lower the pH of the oral environment which is one of the most favorable conditions in which a cavity-forming bacteria can survive. The diseases which can assist in cavities are Diabetes, Mellitus, Acidity, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), and calcium deficiency.
How Much Time Does It Take For A Cavity To Form?
A cavity does not just forms in a day or two. It is not possible for you to wake up in the morning and just notice a big hole! The time required for a cavity to form depends on a number of factors.
1. pH: The lower the pH the acidic the environment of the oral cavity will be. In this case, it will probably take less than a month for the cavity to start forming up.
2. Age: the porosity of the tooth depends on the age of the patient. Small children have more pores in their teeth which makes them brittle. This, in turn, speeds up the rate of reaction. Hence requires less time. When a person reaches adulthood, he/she becomes more concerned about their looks and by this time they have sound knowledge regarding how to take care of their oral hygiene.
Therefore during this period, a delay in cavity occurs. In contrast, older age patients require less time to develop cavities because of systemic conditions. This answers the question of most patients who ask how long it would take for a cavity to form.
Dietary Habits
Patients who consume high sugar diet tend to get their cavitation process speeded up. A normal black spot takes about a whole year to progress into cavitation. However, sugary diet aids cavitation and the 1 year time duration reduces to 6 months.
What Is The Fate Of A Cavity?
You all must be wondering about what happens after a cavity is formed? Well, a cavity can cause big havoc in your mouth and will probably be unnoticed. It transforms into your root canals and then down into the nerves. This can trigger pain, swelling and at times fever.
Patients have always asked how long does take for a cavity to form into a root canal, dentists state that once a cavity has taken place it barely takes around 3-6 months for it transforms into a root canal. Furthermore, for those questioning about how long does it takes for a cavity to reach the nerves, it is clear that as soon as the cavity proceeds into root canal it takes no time to reach the nerves.
How Can One Limit The Process Of Tooth Decay Or Cavitation?
In early stages cavity looks like a black spot without any deep indentation. The black spot if left untreated or undiscovered it slowly grows leaving a whole behind.
Proper Oral Hygiene:
Brushing twice a day and use of a good mouth wash and be a great deal of help. In addition, always have a string of dental floss with you.
Visiting A Dentist Regularly:
It is advisable to visit your dentist every 6 months for a routine dental check-up. A dentist can examine and diagnose alarming conditions that might be overlooked by a patient. Hence diseases can be limited even before they even started off.
What Are Some Of The Common Dental Treatments For A Cavity?
A procedure performed to fill the crown (top portion) of the tooth to prevent the cavity from entering the roots.
Root Canal Treatment
This treatment is done in more severe cases where the cavity has reached the roots and has given rise to pain and swelling. It is the best procedure for pain relief. The ideal goal of this treatment is to save the tooth from further damage.
This treatment is the ultimate solution for a very grossly decayed tooth. It is the action of pulling the tooth out from the socket holding it
Teeth once gone can never have a comeback. Therefore pamper them as much as you can. Follow a proper oral hygiene routine and most importantly don’t forget to pay a visit to your dentist regularly.

Hey! I work as a pregnancy and parenting expert in Pakistan. I am well versed in describing and highlighting the issues new and old parents need to deal with. I am using this platform to answer queries related to babies and toddlers because I being a mom and an expert have a lot of experience in this area. Many new parents as well as those who are single often seek assistance from sites and blogs and this is where you can get the right information from.
My vast knowledge will address some of the major issues parents encounter such as feeding, objects and toys for kids, upbringing, meal plans, sleeping suggestions etc. Apart from that my medical background as dentist would be of great help for general and oral health issues you often come across. Have a look over my blog and feel free to ask any query you come up with. It will be an honor for me!